Ike is registered with NABSSAR and Olde English.
The Girls
Cora Born 3/7/2015 NABSSAR
Cora has retired from having lambs. She is transitioned into our resident nanny taking care of my yearlings. She is doing great.
Lady Sybil Born 4/5/17 NABSSAR
Violet Born 3/14/18 NABBSAR

Lady Rose Born 4/15/18 NABSSAR,
Old English, and

Lady Mary Born 1/24/2019 NABSSAR and Olde English
Anna Bates 5/31/20 NABSSAR and Olde English
Mrs Hughes Born 2/19/2021 NABSSAR and OEBSSR

Marigold Born 3/23/22 Olde English and NABSSAR
Pictures from Buffalo Sheep Show 2018
Lady Rose took 1st in her class.
Costume contest with Lady Rose
Sheep show judging.